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    Health Analytics Solutions

    Establish central data management and analytics system for better patient services. Include predictive analytics, risk management, cost management, better clinical equipment utilization and other refinements in healthcare services with the analysis of data.

Healthcare Data Exchange and Interoperability

AEGIS technology services for health analytics solutions in Provider sector adopts a tiered structure based on the maturity level of the customer organization. Beginning with establishing an enterprise data warehouse, our approach to providing a full analytics solution involves - enabling internal & external reporting (including federal / state driven regulatory requirements); decision making from clinical to administrative to executive level management; population health management & predictive analytics, while facilitating clinical risk management and evidence based treatments to individual / patient-level analytics based prescriptive treatment.

AEGIS enables Health Plans to analyze member information to not only address the new benefit mandates such as Medical Loss Ratio (MLR) and population shifts, but also stratify populations with risk categorization and future cost implications, identify evidence-based gaps in care, predict future risk / costs, compare industry benchmarks, real-time provider network management, recognize and reward care value and member engagement. Data such as a member’s health status, the value delivered through networks, and the performance of clinical management programs helps everyone deliver the best care possible. Access and evaluation of clinical information helps identify trends in utilization, disease prevalence, and their related costs.

AEGIS provides a comprehensive set of services to address the pharmaceutical sector’s quest for harnessing and leveraging the volumes of data available in the connected world. By using clinical-trials data and direct patient / consumer prescription data obtained through industry process such as a ‘matchback’, AEGIS offers technology services that develop health analytics solutions that help pharmaceutical companies to boost drug development, facilitate effective therapies, targeted marketing, etc.

For further information, please contact us at